SHOCKING Story Of African University Student Who Has INFECTED 104 Students With HIV...She Reveals How She Was Infected With The Deadly Disease

A second year female student from Moi University, who has allegedly infected 104 men with HIV, has comeout to reveal how she was infected with the deadly virus.
The lady by the name, Beatrice Wangari, who hails from Murang’a, claims that she got infected during a Freshaz night and after testing positive, she promised to revenge.
So far, she has infected around 104 men with majority of her victims being students who reside in Hostel H.
Here’s what the second year student had to say as she recounted how she was infected;
“I was infected in my first year. I joined Moi University with hopes and expectations of a brighter future.
Upon my admission during the freshaz night, I met this dude who of ered to take me out for a drinking spree. Since I was fresh from the village and I had passion to adventure and learn a lot, I naively accepted the of er.
We drove to the famous Bubbles club. It was my first time to taste vodka, at first I refused but the guy insisted.
I forced the bitter stuf down my throat. When we were done we proceeded to Comfy to spend our night there.
In bed the guy fu**** me without my consent.
I regretted joining this beast. My attempts to deny him were futile.
There I watched my future being ruined…..
Days later, I tested for AIDs and unfortunately I was infected.
My mind raced back to that night and I felt so bad… I first thought of committing suicide but a second thought told me you must payback..
I vowed that all men must pay for this. My future since then has remained blank.”